I am a research scientist at causaLens, working on fundemental and applied research in machine learning and causality. I completed my PhD in probabilistic machine learning at the Mathematic for Real-World Systems CDT at the University of Warwick, where I was supervised by Theo Damoulas, and previously by Rich Savage. I was also a Visiting Researcher at the London based Alan Turing Institute and an intern at Secondmind.ai in Cambridge, where I worked with ST John and James Hensman. My main area of fundemental research is in Probabilistic Machine Learning and I have also been recently looking into the interface between Causality and Reinforcment learning.
Research Interests:
- Probabilsitic models mainly Gaussian Processes
- Bayesian inference (mainly Variational Inference)
- Causality and reinforcment learning
- Multitask and transfer Learning
- Sequential Monte Carlo
- Continual and online learning
- Variance reduction